"How I Used a $5 Book to Land 350 Clients and $3,000,000+ of Revenue"Β


What's up guys, I'm Coach Nicky T!
I've been an Entrepreneur for almost 2 decades now and built my first seven figure business by my 25th birthday.Β I wrote my first book 7 years ago and it truly changed my life and business
Why I Wrote My First Book and Why You Should Too!
I wrote my first book as a way to stand out from my competition and show my potential customers that I was the TRUE expert to help them! I was a real estate agent who just wanted more sales. So instead of selling my book on Amazon for $14.99, I decided to give it away as a next level business card as a way to stand out.Β
So what happened??? My conversions DOUBLED and I started getting more clients. All of which led to more success stories and my track record and made for some great social media content. Writing a book truly showed my market that I was the expert best to help them! And this is exactly why you should write a book too!
Why does a Book Work So Well for Building an Authority Brand?
Only 1% of the world will ever write a book. Which makes it stand out so much. Writing a book shows you are the true expert on what you teach and the market you are in! It truly helps you stand out and show you are the AUTHORITY!Β
Write a Book, Build a Brand, Make More Sales!
It's a pretty simple formula. Write a book to show you are the authority on what you teach. Then share your book on social media (offline works too!!) and use it to generate leads. And then convert those leads into closed sales.Β
Writing a Book is MY #1 Marketing Strategy!
My #1 marketing strategy for landing high ticket sales is my book. When I get a lead for a potential client, I send a FREE copy of my book in the mail to them. My book teaches them about me, my story and more importantly, how I can help them solve the problems they have. The book builds trust and teaches them things before we ever meet on a phone call or Zoom.
So by the time we finally chat, they already know I'm different than my competitors, which helps me close more deals. This is the exact method I want to teach you and help you make a book your #1 marketing strategy too!
Β Are you My Next Triumphant Author?
Since I had so much success with my first book, friends and colleagues starting asking if I could help them do the same thing too! And that's how the Triumphant Author program was born!Β
I've helped Realtors, Loan Officers, Personal Trainers, Financial Advisors, Solar Reps,Β Women'sΒ Coaches, Leadership Coaches and even a Roofer write a book!Β
Helping you write a book, then use that to build a brand and land sales is my mission!
Are you ready to be our next Triumphant Author success story? The first step is downloading my case study and learning how it all works in the trainings I'll be sending you!
I am looking forward to teaching you all about writing a book and how to use it to land more sales.Β
Your Coach,
Nicholas aka Coach Nicky T
"How I Used a $5 Book to Land 350 Clients and $3,000,000+ of Revenue"Β